We offer complete product development according to the customer’s requirements – from conceptual designs and detailed product design and verification by mathematical calculations, to final documentation in terms of the price and production technology and cooperation in the production and testing of prototypes.

  • Design studies
  • Feasibility studies
  • Conceptual designs
  • Designs of subassemblies and final products
  • Mathematical calculations and simulations
  • Complete documentation
  • Product design for additive manufacturing



  • Development of a device for automated sample collection and testing
  • This device enables testing multiple samples at the same time, thus quickly servicing multiple users
  • Complete design, prototype construction and testing of the device
  • Cooperation with the Institute of Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences

Detection of SARS-CoV-2
pathogens and other
viruses and bacteria

Easy to operate

Repeated use until
positive result

Automatic result
within 10 to 15 minutes

  • Responsibility for the entire process from prototype development and production to sampling, testing and certification
  • Opening of the production line and securing the supply chain
  • Transformation of formerly produced masks on 3D printers into serial production
  • Selection of suitable production technologies and geometry adjustments for mass production by injection moulding
  • Design and production of assembly and adhesive products and control equipment, production line design
  • Ensuring production, training operators and preparing manuals

Made from highly
resistant PA12 that meets
the requirements of ČSN EN

Option of steam
at 120 °C (autoclave)

P3 R particulate filter
with a standard
40×1/7 thread

Weighs only 160 g

  • Requirements for the visual appearance of the product’s electronic hardware were taken into account
  • An injection moulded control HW cover connected to an electrical plug was iteratively designed
  • Requirements for the visual appearance, requirements for the reliable and safe function of the electronics, and requirements for simple and quick assembly were fine-tuned
  • The result is a product optimised for mould production in a short period of time and with minimised costs

Modern design

Designed for
injection moulding

Simple and
intuitive control

Easy to
and assemble


CARDAM is a unique research and development workplace dealing with the implementation of innovative and technically and technologically advanced solutions and products using advanced mathematical simulations and additive manufacturing technology. CARDAM provides comprehensive engineering solutions for the development of new products and production processes, and it supports companies in developing their new knowledge and know-how in the field.

CARDAM’s goal is to create technical and economic added value for all customers based on effective cooperation between the Czech Academy of Sciences and industrial enterprises. The founding members and owners of CARDAM are the Institute of Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences and two leading, steadily growing Czech companies, one of which is active in the field of precision engineering and the other in the foundry industry. The Institute of Physics covers a wide range of science and technology fields that pervade additive design and manufacturing. These important resources allow CARDAM to build on current and historical know-how developed by Czech science. The key incentive for industrial enterprises to found CARDAM was to satisfy their long-term need to create a common platform for cooperation with the academic environment. This innovative platform contributes to the development of the future product portfolio and new production procedures, and it enables a dynamic transition to additive design and manufacturing technologies in the Czech Republic and in Europe.


CARDAM s.r.o., as a member of COLT CZ GROUP, is aware of its social responsibility, which is why it adopts measures based on strict compliance with applicable laws and moral and ethical standards. To ensure compliance with moral and ethical standards, as well as the compliance of its procedures and processes with applicable laws, the company has implemented a compliance management system and is committed to following the principles of this system and developing individual elements of the system.



Since its foundation, CARDAM has been actively involved in research activities with the support of the subsidy programmes OP PIK Aplikace, TA CR National Centre of Competence, TA CR Theta, and the Digital Europe Programme (European Digital Innovation Hubs Network).


Projekt Brain 4 Industry je zahrnut do programu Digitální Evropa (European Digital Innovation Hubs – DIGITAL-2021-EDIH-01) a je jeho účelem je primárně vytvoření a činnost Evropského centra digitálních inovací (dále jen „EDIH B4I“), podporovaného z programu Digitální Evropa, spočívající v poskytování služeb za účelem podpořit soukromý a veřejný sektor v jejich digitální transformaci.

– Fyzikální ústav AV ČR v.v.i.
– CARDAM s.r.o.,
– STAR Research & Innovation Cluster, z.ú.,
– Středočeské inovační centrum, spolek,
– Ústav termomechaniky AV ČR, v.v.i.

Datum zahájení Projektu: 1.1.2023
Datum ukončení realizace projektu: 31.12.2025
Datum ukončení projektu: 30.6.2026
Projekt EDIH B4I je spolufinancován z prostředků Evropské unie v rámci NEXT GENERATION EU

Evropská komise, European Digital Innovation Hubs – DIGITAL-2021-EDIH-01, projekt 101084053 – Brain 4 Industry (B4I)
a Ministerstvo Průmyslu a obchodu v souladu s podmínkami NPO, projekt EDIH1.5.01.2 – Brain 4 Industry

Digital Europe Programme (DIGITAL) 101084053 – Brain 4 Industry (B4I) (EDIH B4I) (2023 – 2025)
CZ.01.1.02/0.0/0.0/20_330/0023431 – Brain 4 Industry – Inovační centrum (2021 – 2023)
CZ.01.1.02/0.0/0.0/20_321/0024852 – Biosenzory pro udržitelnou průmyslovou výrobu (2021 – 2022)
TK01020187 – Konformní tepelné výměníky za použití ADM a plazmatických povlakování (2018-2022)

CARDAM s.r.o.

Za Radnicí 933, 252 41 Dolní Břežany
IČ: 054 37 032

+420 770 106 381